The Patriots did it! They not only won Super Bowl LIII, they also tied the Pittsburg Steelers for the most Super Bowl Championships, with six each. Of course, we should also give credit to Tom Brady for earning the most Super Bowl rings of any Quarterback in the history of the NFL.

Tom Brady is the first to admit that he did not earn that prestigious distinction alone, especially after witnessing perhaps one of the most uneventful championship games of the league’s history. It was really a “defensive” battle between both teams.

I love reading the reviews and quotes the next day, from the LA Rams to New England Patriots to even best and worst commercials. There is one quote that stopped me in my tracks. It was from Super Bowl MVP and Patriots Wide-Receiver, Julian Edelman. In an interview by ESPN Edelman said:

“…Tough times don’t last. Tough people do. I preach that… I try to live that.”

YES! Please read that statement over and over again! In business and in life, we need to persevere. Deal with tough personalities and situations, learn from it and then move on. I know, easier said than done. However, as Coach Bill Belichick demands of his players: “Do your job!” In order to win the game, we cannot be bogged down by worry, anger and frustration. Your “job” is to keep moving!

Here are 7 (6 for each Vince Lombardi Trophy the Patriots achieved and 1 more hoping for another win next year!) strategies to ensure your business achieves its goals and makes it to the championship!

  1. Can-Do Mindset – Start here. To get to the Super Bowl, both the Rams and Patriots had to envision what success looks like. How do they need to prepare mentally to get there? There is only room for moments of anger and frustration. Use that emotion to fuel you to push forward.
  2. Trust Your Team & Acknowledge their Success – A cohesive team is your most valuable asset. It is so much harder achieving goals alone. Communicate, delegate and reiterate what each person’s role is. Are you the Quarterback calling the plays? Wide-Receiver in charge of catching and executing the plays? Or the Defensive lineman, blocking all the negative energy that threatens your success? Establish the foundation that the team has your back and you have theirs. Be sure to praise great performances along the way!
  3. Coaching Culture – Any winning team knows one of their keys to success is having a Coach who inspires them and holds the team accountable to learn, practice, and execute the plays on the field. Same for any business. A great leader inspires their team to know the goals and support the team every step of the way.
  4. Constant Training and Cross Training – The team that doesn’t train, trails behind their competitors. You may get lucky showing up unprepared to a sales meeting, presentation to the Board or the Super Bowl, but the odds of winning are very slim. Being in constant reactive mode is exhausting and causes burn out. A proactive approach to preparing for all scenarios and cross-training to prepare for the unexpected, will definitely turn the odds in your favor!
  5. Respect Your Competitors – Your competitors are great motivators to your success. Respect them because they are forcing you to become the best at your craft and offer a flawless execution! Remember your success depends on a positive mindset. Harboring anger or negative energy toward your competitors will keep you stuck at the 50-yard line, instead of putting in a great “fight” to the goal line!
  6. Set Sights on the Super Bowl – How do you reach your goals if you don’t actually set them? You will constantly be running and not knowing which goal line is yours? Goals enable you to set an ultimate vision and create specific action steps to keep you on track until success is achieved.
  7. Block, Tackle and Adapt – You constantly have to adjust your game plays in both football and business. Become too comfortable and your competitor just might surpass you in strategy and stamina. Listen to your Coach, collaborate with your team and be prepared, you may need to shift your course or try something new. That’s o.k., it’s the name of the game!

Are you and your team tough like Julian Edelman and the Patriots? Will you score the winning touchdown and achieve your corporate goals or miss out due to too many interceptions? Hike!

Julian Edelman – Super Bowl MVP and Inspiration to many!
Photograph: Mark J Rebilas/USA Today Sports